Kids Club is for those in grade K-4! We are excited to continue this new program for the 2023/2024 school year! We have an awesome team of people who are ready to make Kids Club a safe environment where your kids can come and have some fun, play games, participate in crafts and hear stories from the Bible!
Kids Club will run every Monday from after school (2:30pm) until 4:00pm. We will pick the kids up from school (we have arranged with them) and walk them over to the church building. You will be required to pick up your child at 4:00pm.
You will need to register for Kids Club so that we know who is coming and who to bring with us from the school. You will be required to let us know in advance if your child will be missing kids club. If your child is homeschooled then they can be dropped off at the church building at 2:30pm. We will not expect them at the school.
There is no cost for kids club!