
About the Faith Mission Canada


The Faith Mission (in Canada) has it’s home in Ontario, though spread across 4 provinces.  Since 1927 when Faith Mission workers came to the Toronto area to begin this ministry, we have been seeking to ‘hold forth the word of life’ through various means and endeavours.  Presently we have 10 full-time workers serving in 5 Districts (areas) within Ontario “supporting the local church in Evangelism and mobilizing God’s people to Prayer and genuine Revival”.


If you want to know what each of the workers are involved in within their Districts, please feel free to reach out to them (see links below) and get involved yourself in praying for them and supporting their ministry.  At our Camp & Conference Centre (Campbellville) we host various events and conferences throughout the year: Summer/Winter Camps, Ladies/Men’s Retreats, Christmas Banquets, Thirsting for God conferences etc. which you can check out under our Events Page below.


Watch the latest Update from our Director (March 2025)