Over the years many couples have attended this retreat and have been blessed in the enrichment of their marriage! God is an amazing designer and creator. He has designed men and women differently, and yet in such a way as to compliment each other. At the retreat time will be spent thinking about God’s design and looking at practical ways to implement his plans and purposes into our marriages.
March 28-30, 2025
November 14-16, 2025
The cost is $100.00 per couple. This is a non returnable deposit which covers material costs. You can pay via e-transfer to Janice Evans at falkland@faithmissioncanada.org or mail cash or cheque to The Faith Mission: 4690 Hoath Rd, Falkland BC, V0E 1W1
Who typically comes to this retreat?
We have had newly weds as well as those who have been married for a long long time (plus everything in between). There is always something to learn that will help your marriage. You could come every year and continue to grow in your marriage!
How bad should your marriage get before you attend?
Coming to a marriage enrichment retreat is not an indicator of a problem or failure in a couples marriage. With any marriage there is always room for improvement and each day our marriages have to be invested in. The couples who come see attending the marriage retreat as a way to invest in their marriages. As with all areas of life it’s possible to drift into bad habits, or to get complacent. Coming to a marriage retreat is a way to evaluate if those bad habits have crept in or how to avoid the bad habits altogether. Of course, there are times when couples know they need help in their marriage and they need it now. Sometimes coming to the retreats is an acknowledgment of help needed.You need to know you are not alone. There is hope and help. Part of Kevin and Janice’s passion for the marriage retreats is that they themselves know what it is to need real help in their marriage. They have been through those dark times and experienced God’s help to work things out and go deeper in their relationship with each other and with God. God used marriage enrichment retreats to accomplish this in their lives.
Do you have to attend all the sessions?
Yep. The retreat is one big package deal. We know you are busy and have a lot going on, but make the time to come for the whole weekend. It’s well worth the effort.
Can we bring our children with us to the retreat? They are very cute, quiet and will occupy themselves?
We have as hard a time saying no to cute kids as the next person, however we are really firm on this rule. No kids, even cute well behaved ones. Due to the nature of the retreat, best to drop them off with family and be blessed by attending the retreat with your spouse.
NEW: Marriage Family Retreat brings an exception to this rule. NOTE: Not all marriage retreats will have the same intentional family focus in the future.
How often do the we host the marriage enrichment retreats?
Twice a year. One in April and one in November!
Any other questions you may have, don’t hesitate to contact us.