Buy our Books Online
Although we are not a book store in the normal sense of the word, we do sell some books. These are a few reasons why:
– Some are published by The Faith Mission and record our history.
– Some are excellent teaching resources for topics that are associated with our ministry.
– Some are published by lesser known publishers and not easy to get, so we want to make them easier for people to get a hold of.
– Most, if not all, of these books have personally impacted the staff of The Faith Mission (in Canada).
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Spirit of Revival
Biography of J.G. Govan
The Faith Mission in Canada started in 1927. The work in Canada emerged out of the established work taking place in the United Kingdom and Ireland. Spirit of Revival records how the work began back in 1886. God used John George Govan in a remarkable way to start up the work of the Faith Mission, reaching into rural areas to share the gospel. This is a stirring account of the early years of the work. This is a very challenging book that will be sure to stir your soul.
Partners in Prayer
Our quarterly newsletter, "Partners in Prayer," contains reports and prayer news from all of the Faith Mission in Canada workers, in their respective areas. If you are interested in learning more about the Mission and want to be regularly updated, we encourage you to sign-up so you can receive the newsletter each quarter.
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