Faith Mission Staff
Interior B.C. - Falkland, BC
Conan & Julana Arndt
4690 Hoath Road, Falkland, BC, V0E 1W1
Conan grew up in Melfort SK in a loving Christian home. Camp was always a big part of his life and it was where he gave his life to the Lord when he was 14 through a work crew program. Conan also met Julana while on work crew at camp! Conan and Julana were married in 2015 and now have four beautiful children – Scarlett, Claire, August and Beau.
Julana was born in Melfort SK into a loving Christian family and gave her life to the Lord at a young age. Julana’s parents one day moved the family in God’s leading to Vernon, BC. It was shortly after that big move where Julana’s parents, Kevin and Janice Evans, joined The Faith Mission.
Conan and Julana had been working at the Faith Mission Camp Centre in Falkland, BC, for three summers prior to joining The Faith Mission, which is where they felt the call to join the mission. Camp and ministry has been a huge part of their lives and they both desire to see children and adults alike give their lives over to Christ!
Conference Centre - Falkland, BC
Kevin & Janice Evans
4690 Hoath Road, Falkland, BC, V0E 1W1
250-540-2261 or 250-540-2260
Kevin & Janice were born and raised in wonderful Christian families in Saskatchewan. Both accepted Jesus as Saviour at a young age. They met while working at summer Bible Camp, attended Nipawin Bible Institute, and later married, joining the Evans family farm. They were very involved in their local church where Janice led children’s ministries and Kevin was involved in youth and men’s ministries.
Together they led many discipleship Bible studies. Sensing God’s call to full-time ministry, they left the farm after 20 years of marriage, and accepted a call to a church in Vernon, BC.Two years later, as that church merged with another, Kevin & Janice were introduced to The Faith Mission and God made His clear call on their lives. On November 1, 2007, the Evans joined The Faith Mission (in Canada) first as Area Workers responsible for the Greater Kamloops area and then as managers of the Falkland Centre.
God has blessed Kevin & Janice with five children and many grandchildren.
Jeff & Jani Goudy
124 Valentine Cres. Red Deer, AB, T4R 0E8
Jeff was born in Toronto, Ontario and was raised in both Alberta and Saskatchewan. Jani was born in B.C. and raised in Saskatchewan. Both came from loving homes and both saw the power of God transform their families through prayer, evangelism and revival. The ministry of the local church was taught to be very needful and important, as well as serving within the body.
Both families were discipled by the preaching, teaching and prayer that took place at church. As well as special revival or deeper life meetings. The Word of God was held in high esteem and it was a mission minded church. Both Jeff and Jani felt clearly called to full-time ministry in their early 20’s and served for 14 years in pastoral ministry.
They have now been serving with The Faith Mission in Canada for over 12 years. Their heart is to faithfully teach and preach God’s Word and to bring believers together to pray and seek God for personal and corporate revival. As evidenced in history, the overflow of personal and corporate revival is honest humility, deep love for God and sincere love for others resulting in fruitful evangelism.
What a joy and privilege to share the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Jeff and Jani have been so encouraged to see God at work, by the power of His Spirit, in many hearts as His people humble themselves and pray. 2 Chron. 7:14, Psalm 83:18 along with the Beatitudes are some key Scriptures that are prayed through often. Jeff and Jani are blessed to be the parents of 6 wonderful children.
Conference Centre - Campbellville, ON
Matthew & Susan Macfarlane
10463 Second Line, Campbellville, ON, L0P 1B0
Cell: 289-880-4922 or Centre: 905-462-7804
Matthew & Susan Macfarlane are the new Camp Centre Managers of our Campbellville Camp & Conference Centre as of June 2022.
Western Ontario
Mark & April Hardwick
34 Ransford St, Clinton, ON, N0M 1L0
Mark was born and raised in St Catharines, Ontario. Growing up in a Christian home he gave his life to the Lord at 8 years old. As a teen, he felt God’s call to full-time ministry on his life.
April grew up in a small town in the Ottawa Valley. She came to Christ in her last year of high school at a youth Bible Study.
April and Mark met at Heritage Bible College in Cambridge, Ontario. Soon after they were married Mark accepted a call to Pastor an English Church in Lachute, Quebec. During their ten years in Quebec, April was very active in children’s and women’s ministry.
In 2012 they felt God’s clear call to join the work of The Faith Mission and have served in Northern Ontario for 10 years before moving to Clinton to commence FM work there. With five kids at home, one at college and homeschooling full time, life is full of humor and there is never a dull moment!
Area of Ministry:
Pulpit Supply
Bible Study
Prayer Meeting
>> Come join us on April 11th for our Spring Banquet in Exeter! Click link to register:
General Directors - Canada
Timothy & Emma Condy
Office: PO Box 376, Campbellville, ON, L0P 1B0
Home: 130 Tremaine Rd, Milton, ON, L9T 2X3
Both Tim & Emma hail from Northern Ireland originally, but have been serving and living in Canada for 15 years collectively. They are grateful to God for the Christian heritage of both their parents who brought them up in the fear and admonition of the Lord. At the age of 7 and 8 respectively, both Tim and Emma came to personal faith and trust in Jesus Christ as Saviour.
Both had their struggles during High School but it was not until their early 20s that God really got a hold of their lives and brought them to a place of full surrender to the Lord’s will and purposes. Tim studied initially in Business Management and Emma in Child Care education. But the Lord had other plans!
They met in 2002 at the Faith Mission Bible College in Edinburgh, Scotland and after further studies in Theology for Tim and Emma moving to Canada to work with Faith Mission there, the Lord brought them together in marriage in 2011. Together they have served with Faith Mission since then: 5 years in Hamilton, Ontario; 3 years in Ballymena, N. Ireland; and since 2018 as Director’s of The Faith Mission (in Canada).
Tim & Emma reside in Milton, Ontario with their 4 children: Grace, Josiah, Isaac and Lydia.
Eastern Ontario
Laura-Anne grew up on a farm in North Eastern Ontario. She was raised in a Christian home and gave her life to the Lord at a young age. When she was a teenager she spent a few summers with The Faith Mission in Ontario doing camps and VBS’s. After high school she went to Nipawin Bible College in Saskatchewan.
Later, she returned home and sought God’s will for her life. While she waited on God, Laura-Anne worked and served God in her home church. In the summer of 2010 she again joined The Faith Mission in Ontario as a summer worker and joined the work full-time in 2011.
Eastern Ontario Mission Conference
Sept 22-23, 2023
Contact Laura-Anne for details
Southern Ontario
Sam & Nicholette Beaulieu
For mailing address please contact
Sam was born and raised in the Greater Toronto Area by a family that professed and served Christ, but he came to a saving faith and was gloriously born again at the age of twenty. Nicholette was born in Jamaica and raised in the Greater Toronto Area. Although she identified as “Christian” culturally, she placed her faith in Jesus and was transferred out of the kingdom of darkness at age eighteen. Sam and Nicholette met at a bible college in Toronto.
They have four children (three girls and a boy). They joined Faith Mission (in Canada) March 2020, serving as workers for Southern Ontario. Their focus is to bring the gospel afresh to Southern Ontario and to come alongside the church in prayer and support.
“We look forward to laboring with you, and Christ loving you through us” – Sam & Nicholette Beaulieu
Areas of Ministry:
Evangelism Training
Pulpit Supply
Pastoral Care
Mens/Womens Ministry
Robin & Debra Perron
322 Rue Fournier, Sainte-Sophie, QC, J5J 2A3
Debra was raised in a Christian home in a small village in Northern Ontario and was saved at a young age during a Vacation Bible School led by The Faith Mission (in Canada). She served with the Faith Mission for a few summers until she completed high school. Debra went on to attend Briercrest Bible College in Saskatchewan and, upon her return home, served the Lord in her local church. During the summer of 2007, as she continued to seek God’s direction for her life, He clearly led Debra to The Faith Mission and to the work in Québec.
Debra a été élevée dans une famille chrétienne dans un petit village au nord de l’Ontario. Elle fût sauvée dans son enfance durant un camp biblique pour les enfants dirigé par la Mission de la foi du Canada. Elle a servi avec le ministère de la Mission de la Foi pendant quelques étés jusqu’à ce qu’elle termine ses études secondaires. Debra a ensuite fréquenté le collège biblique Briercrest au Saskatchewan et, après son retour à la maison, a servi le Seigneur dans son église locale. Au cours de l’été 2007 alors qu’elle continuait à chercher la volonté de Dieu pour sa vie, Il l’a clairement dirigé à la Mission de la Foi du Canada et à l’œuvre au Québec.
Robin was born and raised in a small French-Catholic town in Northern Ontario and spent thirty years of his life knowing about God, but not knowing who God is according to His Word. He was first introduced to the message of salvation in university through one of his classmates and zealously accepted Jesus Christ as his Saviour. Following university, Robin pursued his career goals until God changed his heart and gave him the desire to serve Him in full-time ministry. Although he was willing to leave everything to serve Him, God asked Robin to wait until the proper time. About one year later, He brought Debra into his life and they were married in the fall of 2014. They now serve the Lord together with The Faith Mission (in Canada) in the province of Québec. It was later revealed that the father of Robin’s friend who led him to the Lord in university was saved through a Faith Mission youth event when he was 15 years old. God really is sovereign, providential, and all-knowing!
Robin a grandi dans un petit village catholique français dans le nord de l’Ontario et a passé trente ans de sa vie à croire en Dieu, mais en ayant aucune connaissance de qui Dieu est selon sa Parole. Il a été introduit au message du salut pour la première fois à l’université à travers un de ses camarades de classe et a accepté Jésus Christ comme son Sauveur avec zèle. Après l’université, Robin a poursuivi ses ambitions de carrière jusqu’à ce que Dieu change son cœur en lui donnant le désir de le servir dans le ministère à temps plein. Bien qu’il fût prêt à tout laisser pour le servir, Dieu a demandé à Robin d’attendre pour son moment choisi. Environ un an plus tard, Dieu a introduit Debra dans sa vie et ils se sont mariés à l’automne de 2014. Ils servent maintenant le Seigneur ensembles avec la Mission de la foi du Canada dans la province de Québec. Il a été révélé plus tard que le père de l’ami de Robin qui l’a conduit au Seigneur à l’université a lui-même été converti durant un rassemblement de jeunes organisé par la Mission de la foi à l’âge de 15 ans. Dieu est réellement souverain, providentiel et omniscient!