Prayer, Evangelism, and Revival
Launched in an atmosphere of Prayer, Evangelism, and Revival, this passion has been engrained in the ministry of Faith Mission from its beginning in Scotland in October 1886 and continues to be the emphasis of Faith Mission Canada. The command to “preach the Gospel to every person” and the instruction that “by all means some may be saved” throw light on the variety of ministries, methods, and places visited by mission evangelists over the years. Our commitment to preach an uncompromising gospel, to passionately support the local church through children and adult ministries, to encourage prayer and holiness of life, and to recognize “it is not by might, nor by power but by MY Spirit says the Lord” is as clear today as it was in 1927 when Faith Mission came to Canada.

(Mark 16:15)
As you can read in our history, the Faith Mission was started to evangelize rural areas. This is still our vision today.
A mandate to reach into rural villages and towns where few evangelists were going was placed on the mission’s founder, and to this day, it is to the smaller communities that the main emphasis of our ministry is directed. We believe “the gospel is still the power of God unto salvation to everyone who believes.” We believe a responsibility has been laid on the church to take this gospel to every person, and, as a mission, we seek to come alongside the church to assist in whatever way we can to see this accomplished.
Weeks or weekends of evangelistic meetings, Christianity Explored courses, visitation programs, Thirsting for God conferences, children and youth clubs, summer and winter camps, Vacation Bible Schools, and ladies’ and men’s retreats are some of the ways workers seek to assist the church in evangelism.
Make no mistake about it Canada is a mission field. There are multitudes who have never heard the Gospel

(Mark 16:15)
Again, related to our history, we have seen the importance of prayer. We have seen lives changed, strongholds pulled down and communities changed by prayer. The fruit that God has blessed our evangelism with has been directly linked to people praying.
It has been said that ‘prayer is the backbone of any ministry’ this certainly is the case in The Faith Mission (in Canada). It was in answer to prayer that the mission began and it is in answer to prayer that the work continues. John George Govan in recognition of the importance of prayer commenced what he called the Prayer Union – these were prayer groups where people from different churches would gather to pray for each other, the local church, the mission and the spread of the Gospel. Hundreds of these groups meet weekly or monthly in the UK, Ireland and some in Canada. We owe a great debt to such faithful praying people.
During our Thirsting for God conferences in churches mornings are usually dedicated to united prayer, prayer is at the heart of most of our ladies and men’s retreats. Prayer is a major component during our Youth Leadership training courses and each day during camps. We believe John Wesley was correct when he said ‘much prayer much blessing, little prayer little blessing, no prayer no blessing’.
Jesus said ‘My house is a house of prayer’, it is a sad reflection on the church in the west that prayer has to a large extent been placed on the back burner. We need to ask God to pour out a spirit of prayer once again on all our hearts.

“If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land”
(2 Chronicles 7:14).
God in His mercy has privileged Faith Mission with periods of revival throughout its history, some localized and others more widespread. Community after community in Scotland experienced revival in the early days of Faith Mission, when thousands were saved and churches were set ablaze. In the 1920s, the Holy Spirit was moving in power in N. Ireland. During the late 1940s and early 50s, a powerful movement swept through the Highlands and Islands of Scotland under the ministry of Duncan Campbell. Smaller, but nonetheless significant, movements have taken place in Canada. Burlington, Ontario, was one such place. The local paper reported on an amazing work of God. On one occasion, a whole community in Nova Scotia was saturated by the presence of God. Our hearts cry, “Do it again Lord.”
Revival cannot be orchestrated by man. However, we are to pray and seek God for revival. To that end, Faith Mission workers teach on revival, and prayer is offered for revival.
Our prayer is that, as you read reports and become more familiar with the ministry of Faith Mission Canada, you will catch the vision for Evangelism, Prayer, and Revival. If we can be of service or help you or your church in any of these areas, please feel free to contact any of our mission staff.